By Muhammad AFAQ

Every day, I witness the significance of teamwork, precision, and composure in the operating theatre. These qualities have not only enhanced my professional capabilities but also shaped my personal philosophy. The stories unfolding within the sterile walls of the operation theatre have taught me that resilience in the face of adversity is the true essence of our profession.



Scrubbing means washing. Before any operation, the surgeon and his assistants prepare themselves in the following ways:

 They should trim their nails as short as possible to avoid infection.

 Cap and mask are put on.

 In summer, several layers of gauze are wrapped transversely around the head before wearing the cap and mask to prevent the drops of perspiration falling on the wound.

 Scrubbing should be done in running water with soap to remove any grease.

 The field of washing should extend well above ( 5 cm above) the elbows, under the running tap water.

 The sterilized gauze or brush is used for scrubbing the nails and hands.

 The scrub-up procedure should be carried out at least for 10 minutes.

 Particular care should be taken to clear the creases and the webs of the hand and fingers, nails.

 The hands are kept raised at elbows to avoid water running down elbows on to the hands. The hands then dried with sterilized towel and rubbed with gauze soaked in spirit and alcohol for two minutes.


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I'm MUHAMMAD AFAQ, a dedicated and skilled Operation Theatre Technician with a passion for ensuring the safety and success of surgical procedures. With 6 years of experience in this critical role, I have honed my abilities to provide essential support to surgical teams and maintain the highest standards of patient care.

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