By Muhammad AFAQ

Every day, I witness the significance of teamwork, precision, and composure in the operating theatre. These qualities have not only enhanced my professional capabilities but also shaped my personal philosophy. The stories unfolding within the sterile walls of the operation theatre have taught me that resilience in the face of adversity is the true essence of our profession.

Skin Cleaning and Draping

 Skin Cleaning and Draping


§ The operation area should be clean (no infection) before the operation.

§ The area of operation should be shaved on the morning of the operation or in the O.T at the time of operation.

 Skin Cleaning:

§ Prepare the skin as soon as the patient is anaesthetised, to reduce the risk of infection.

§ Start cleaning with a soap solution/ povidone (it is 2% iodine) and follow this with spirit.

§ Take a sterile swab/sponge in a holder, start in the middle of the operation site, and then works outwards (centrifugally).

§ Discard both swab/sponge and holder, and repeat the process with a second swab on a new holder.
§ The spirit will evaporate to leave the skin dry.
§ Be sure to prepare a wide area of skin.
§ In abdomen operation, it should extend from the patients’ nipple line to below his groin.

 Aim of Skin Cleaning:

The aim of skin cleaning is to remove contamination (e.g.: blood, body fluids, dust).



Once the skin has been prepared/cleaned ----then start Draping:

 § Place the first towel across the lower part of the operation.

§Place another towel at the right angle on the near edge of the operation site.

§ Apply a towel clip at the point of crossing of the two towels.

§ Place another towel at far edge of the operation site.

 § The final towel goes across the top end of the site. All the corners should have towel clips to prevent the towels from slipping; they can go thru the skin if the operation is under G.A.

§ In an abdominal operation, an abdominal sheet covers the abdomen on the top of the towels. This sheet has opening in its middle to provide access to the operation site (double toweling).

§ If any area close to the operation site becomes contaminated at any time during the operation, place another sterile towel over the contamination site.

§ (Draping is done with towels made up of non-porous, non wet-able, synthetic, transparent material/sheets. Drapes should be resistant to blood or liquid penetration).


§ The purpose of draping is to establish a sterile field around the operative site, thus preventing the passage of bacteria b/w non sterile and sterile areas. The incision area is the only area exposed. Sterile drapes cover all unprepared areas of the patient.

§ Drapes form a complete seal over the skin, thus protecting the wound from bacteria and excretions.


 § To prevent passage of bacteria b/w non sterile and sterile areas.

 § Skin color and anatomical landmark areas are easily visible and the incision is made thru the drape.


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I'm MUHAMMAD AFAQ, a dedicated and skilled Operation Theatre Technician with a passion for ensuring the safety and success of surgical procedures. With 6 years of experience in this critical role, I have honed my abilities to provide essential support to surgical teams and maintain the highest standards of patient care.

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